
body con bodycon christian dior color color blocking colour blocking dior General gucci How to Wear Vintage vintage vintage clothing vintage satchel

 Mr Price top; skirt from Thailand; Gucci watch; vintage Dior bracelet; vintage shirt, necklace & bag; Bondiblu sunglasses

I’m still into colour blocking and crazy colour combinations. As well as layering (yes, I’m so cool I can wear two collars). Which is why I wore this preppy ensemble comprising of bright modern pieces layered over vintage basics. Don’t you love that nail colour?! It’s a cheap new matte polish from Ralo cosmetics (totally worth R23.50, plus it happens to match my awesome new shoes). Upon perusing images from this and the last post, I have come to the conclusion that my hair needs a trim (this is my own real hair, promise) – besides the fact that my hair tangles easily already, the ridiculous length must be why I wake up with dreadlocks every morning.

Hope you enjoyed the post!

P.S the bag is available from Lehza Vintage.

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