New Cape Town night market for vintage lovers

cape town down south General launch market southern suburbs tokai vintage experience vintage wednesdays

We’re proud to be a part of the launch of a brand new vintage night fashion market market in the Southern Suburbs, in collaboration with The Vintage Experience (formerly known as Vintage Wednesdays). The market will showcase a dozen or so sellers’ latest best finds on Tuesday 28 May at Jakes in The Village (Steenberg Village, Tokai) from 6pm til late. View the event details on facebook HERE.

6 Reasons, according to The Vintage Experience founder Tarryn, why everyone should mission down on the 28th:
1-  Traders will be different to the Truth Market, so double the dose of monthly vintage shopping!
2-  Jakes “Have Another” special means half price on ALL cocktails from 6pm-8pm
3- Jakes is situated in Steenberg Village complex which means plenty of secure parking at shopping level and underground
4- Various ATMs in the complex means no need to worry whether you have enough cash on hand for those impulse buys
5- Jakes has just finished creating a sexy new cocktail lounge, be one of the first to check it out
6- If you haven’t tried a flatbread from Jakes Restaurants, you haven’t really lived!

You can’t argue with that, right?! We’ll see you there, with our Autumn/ Winter 2013 range as well as some never-before-seen vintage goodies!

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