How to Wear Vintage – Autumn Style

autumn bags brogues fall fashion how to How to Wear Vintage oxford shoes shoes stellenbosch vintage clothing

It’s Autumn here in South Africa at the moment and the coolness in the air is so refreshing after an exhaustingly hot Summer in Stellenbosch (even though the wind now blows sand around at 30 km/h which sticks to my lipgloss on the way to class)!

When it comes to wearing vintage clothing and accessories, I like to combine classic or statement pieces with contemporary pieces to avoid looking like someone who just walked out the dressing room at the hospice. Wear items in styles that usually flatter your body and combine retro OTT prints with neutral or simple modern items.

This season, leggings are still in. They’re great and versatile because you can combine them with vintage over-sized sweaters, printed shirts, cute cardigans or waistcoats.

For accessories, take inspiration from the colours that are found in nature at the moment – warm and deep tones like brown, red, orange and maroon for bags and chunky bangles (like the vintage wooden ones from Lehza Vintage used in look 1 and 3). And be sure to find yourself a pair of leather brogues or oxford shoes to complete the look.

All the bags, bangles and the pair of tan leather oxford shoes used in this shoot can be found at the Lehza Vintage online store at:

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